Monday, May 28, 2012

Roll, Say, Write! A Sight Word Center

Hey guys!

I just posted my first items for sale in my TPT store!

They are sight word centers using Fry's first, second, and third 100 sight words.

There are three sets of the centers.

Each center has 20 cubes that list five sight words and a cute star on it.

All your students do is roll the cube, say the word, then write it on the accountability sheet.

Want a copy of these?!?!?


If you are my two current followers Katie Jones and Heidi
my only TPT follower Teresa Williams
send me your email. You've won yourself a copy just for making my week! :)

Not one of these people?

Enter by...

Following my blog (1 entry)
Following my TPT store (1 entry)

Leave me a comment for each of these.

This giveaway will end Saturday June 2 and i'll pick a winner Sunday!

P.S. I don't have many followers. Your chances a pretty good! :)

Good Luck!
Love, Heather

Thursday, May 24, 2012

My Most Memorable Moment Linky Party

Hey ya'll!

Me again, today?!?!


I'm linking up with Heidi at My (Not So) Elementary Life for her Most Memorable Moment Linky Party.


Here goes...

My most memorable moment was one that I actually missed.

What?!? I know, your asking yourself... how is that her most memorable moment?

You'll see.

In the beginning of February I had to miss school because of my grandpa's funeral. I was horribly sad and feeling down and I got a text from my teacher teamie.

That afternoon was our Student of the Month Assembly. The entire third, fourth and fifth grade was there. Along with the principal, counselor, aides and some parents too.

Our principal was handing in between handing out awards and it got pretty quiet.

Well my other teamie had a boy in his room that was quite unstable. He got angry quickly and lashed out of whoever was nearest during his episodes. This young man wound up sitting right next to our most immature third grader. This boy giggled, aggrevated and made messes in certain clothes of his.

Picture it... A lunch room that all of a sudden got quiet enough for everyone to hear across the room and Mr. Unstable bolts up and turns to Mr. Immature, points his finger and yells "F YOU!!!" at the top of his lungs.

The entire room got silent and he bursts into tears after realizing what he did.

Needless to say after the shock, we all found it quite funny and it brought me some much needed laughter on a very yucky day.

And that's that. My most memorable moment that none of us got to experience, but I know you can picture it! ;)


Me and TPT and Manic Monday

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Can you hear it?
"School's out for the summer!"
This has been playing in my head all week! I'm LOVING summer vacation!
Now that I have the time, (well not really... my five year and eighteen month old are keeping me BUSY!) I have finally posted my first blog post and uploaded my first TPT product.

Happy Birthday To You!

A mini bulletin board set.


This set includes a header "Happy Birthday To You,"
a set of balloons for each month January-December,
and a set of black and white stars for your students to color and write their birthdays on!

How can you use this set?
You could use it as a mini bulletin board in your room to display your students birthdays
How about as a supplement to your daily calendar routine?
You could display the current month's balloon on your calendar wall.

The stars are included just in case you don't want to laminate the balloons and write your student's birthdays directly on them.

I plan on printing out this set and putting it on display in my room for the upcoming year. I would just print it out and laminate it right this second but...

This is the current state my room is in.

I like to call it techie headquarters, or their lair.

It is FULL of ladders, tubes, wires, cups, hammers, shirts (yes, shirts), and lord only knows what else.

Well, I hope that you all go and download my very first product and that you find it useful in your classroom. Please let me know what you think and if you use it I would LOVE to see your pictures.

Until next time, which hopefully won't be too long. If it is blame my kiddos. :)
