Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A little catchup!!

Hey everyone!

Sorry I've been MIA lately! My kiddos have kept me busy!!!!

I just wanted to share my latest classroom work with you!

Last year my grade level had an AWFUL time keeping our kiddos from arguing, tattling, you know...

Well this year we are incorporating character in our lessons! My classroom will revolve around the Golden Rule. I was SO surprised last year when most of my kids didn't know it! :(

So tonight I set to work on my room a little. It's still techie headquarters and a mess, but they aren't around my door so I can cutesy it up! ;)

Well, until next time!



  1. Oo I like that! So important for kids (actually, adults too) to remember!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  2. Thanks! It is!!! I think you should have to learn/review this the first day of each grade all through school. :)

