Thursday, May 24, 2012

Me and TPT and Manic Monday

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Can you hear it?
"School's out for the summer!"
This has been playing in my head all week! I'm LOVING summer vacation!
Now that I have the time, (well not really... my five year and eighteen month old are keeping me BUSY!) I have finally posted my first blog post and uploaded my first TPT product.

Happy Birthday To You!

A mini bulletin board set.


This set includes a header "Happy Birthday To You,"
a set of balloons for each month January-December,
and a set of black and white stars for your students to color and write their birthdays on!

How can you use this set?
You could use it as a mini bulletin board in your room to display your students birthdays
How about as a supplement to your daily calendar routine?
You could display the current month's balloon on your calendar wall.

The stars are included just in case you don't want to laminate the balloons and write your student's birthdays directly on them.

I plan on printing out this set and putting it on display in my room for the upcoming year. I would just print it out and laminate it right this second but...

This is the current state my room is in.

I like to call it techie headquarters, or their lair.

It is FULL of ladders, tubes, wires, cups, hammers, shirts (yes, shirts), and lord only knows what else.

Well, I hope that you all go and download my very first product and that you find it useful in your classroom. Please let me know what you think and if you use it I would LOVE to see your pictures.

Until next time, which hopefully won't be too long. If it is blame my kiddos. :)



  1. I just came across your blog and became your first follower!! I'm currently teaching 2nd grade, but I'm looping with my kids to 3rd next year. I can't wait to hear more about your class/ideas this summer... that is if your kids allow it ;)

    Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans

    1. Thank you SO much!! I'm a teensy (LOT) excited!
      Going right now to check your blog out!!
